Struggling with Peace
In February 2013, Peace it Together hosted a symposium entitled Struggling with Peace. During this three-day public conference audiences and experts explored key issues related to peace building in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This special event was the initiative of the Canadian delegation of Peace it Together’s 2011 dialogue and filmmaking program. Featured speakers included: Sulaiman Khatib (Co-founder of Combatants for Peace, the People’s Peace Fund), Rutie Atsmon (Co-founder and Director of Windows: Channels for Communication), Mahmoud Jabari (Participant of Peace it Together and Seeds of Peace programs), and Yael Tsabari (Program Co-coordinator of the Gemini Project at Sadaka Reut).
In this special video series, we capture the four key themes that emerged during Struggling with Peace: understanding the realities of occupation, exploring critiques of dialogue, forming equitable partnerships through peace work, and taking action in meaningful ways.

Struggling with Peace: One man's story
Sulaiman Khatib tells of how the separation wall encroached on his family’s land, challenging his convictions about peace building between Palestinians and Israelis.

Struggling with Peace: From dialogue to action
Israeli and Palestinian peace builders explain the importance of translating dialogue into action, in order to affect real change on the ground.

Struggling with Peace: Exploring critiques of dialogue
Peace builders talk openly and honestly about normalization and other critiques of dialogue and peace-building programs.

Struggling with Peace: Working as partners
How can Israelis and Palestinians work together? Peace builders discuss why equitable partnerships are important to create a just and sustainable peace.
Full Program Credits
Peace it Together, Producer; Tim Hall, Filmmaker/Facilitator; Paul Thompson, Animator.
Original music composed and produced by Mark Fenster of Autumn Studios, Vancouver (, flute film motif performed by Holly Burke (
Bashar Kasawneh, Sophia Dagher and Ana Rodas Recarte, Camera Operators; Carson Hegedus, Sound Recordist/Sound Mixer; Kristy Bolton, Sound Recordist; Atef Abdelkefi, IT/Web Support; Sulaiman Khatib, Yael Tsabari, Mahmoud Jabari and Rutie Atsmon, Speakers; Metha Brown, Natalie Hill, Reena Lazar, Ramiya Pushparajah, Patricia Marcoccia and Holly Andrews, Peace it Together staff; Jenni-Leigh Harder, Victor Heeckt, Julien Thomas and Anita Young, Peace it Together Canadian youth.
Photos generously provided by: Sadaka Reut, Windows - Channels for Communication, Mahmoud Jabari, Sulaiman Khatib, The Peres Center for Peace, Combatants for Peace, People’s Peace Fund, Gordon Hall.
Special thanks to: SFU Harbour Centre - Meetings, Events and Conference Services; Chan Centre for the Performing Arts at the University of British Columbia; Kristara Vainio; Justine Hayman, Dr. Martin Laba, Simon Fraser University; Chris Jeschelnik, Simon Fraser University School of Communication - Media Lab; Aerlyn Weissman; Zakim Nuraney; Fusion Cine; Pacific Audio-Visual Institute, Phil Hood, I AM FILMMAKER.
Tim Hall would like to thank God for His guidance and mercies throughout the making of Struggling with Peace.
The Struggling for Peace symposium and video series were made possible by a generous grant from citizenship and Immigration Canada.
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